Primary care incident support

Primary care significant event, serious incident, health professional feedback and LFPSE support

Incident reporting

NHS Somerset supports the dissemination of learning and improvement in services via the following processes:

  • General Practice Significant Event Audit (SEA) process
  • Serious Incidents (SI) investigation
  • Learn From Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) service
  • Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)
  • Health Professional Feedback (HPF) via Datix

Significant event reporting process (SEAs)

The link below provides Primary Care with four easy-to-use tools that can improve how your practice uses SEAs as a learning tool:

All significant events should be reported by GP Practices via: The NHS Somerset Patient Safety team will then be in contact to discuss any support that may be needed.

Serious incidents SIs)

If a GP Practice is concerned that an event may be considered a Serious Incident (as defined in the NHSE Serious Incident Framework 2015) please contact the NHS Somerset Patient Safety team at for support and guidance on next steps.

Learn from patient safety events (LFPSE)

The LFPSE service is a national NHS system set up by the National Patient Safety Team at NHS England, it is free to use and is available online as a web portal, to record information about patient safety events and support the improvement of safety across all care settings. The service replaces the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS), as well as the Strategic Executive Information System (StEIS) currently used to report serious incidents.

Recording patient safety events, whether they result in harm or not, provides valuable insight into what can go wrong in health and care, and the reasons why. It also acts as a basis for a positive safety culture, demonstrating an openness and transparency within the organisation to report and learn from patient safety events.

All healthcare staff in England are encouraged to use the system to record any events where:

  • A patient was harmed, or could have been harmed
  • There has been a poor outcome, but it is not yet clear whether an incident contributed or not
  • A risk to patient safety in the future has been identified
  • Good care has been delivered that could be learned from to improve patient safety

Patient safety events can be recorded by your Practice about incidents that have happened internally, or those that your Practice have seen and want to report to another organisation. Additionally, staff members from other organisations, members of the public, and your own staff acting anonymously, will be able to report patient safety concerns directly onto the system about your, or another organisation’s, practice. To see and respond to these incidents you need to be registered. LFPSE allows users to access data that has been submitted, to better understand their local recording practices and culture, and to support local safety improvement work.

Health professional feedback (HPF)

The below button takes you to a Datix web form which can be used to report a piece of feedback or an incident your practice may have identified which needs to be shared with another provider for their review and learning.