Fit for my future strategy
Fit for my future is the joint health and care strategy of Somerset Integrated Care System (ICS), working together with Somerset Council, the hospitals and healthcare providers in Somerset.
Since starting in April 2018, Fit for my Future has been focused on getting the different parts of our health and care system work more closely together and we’re already starting to see some results.
We want to help everyone live healthier, independent lives for longer. But we can’t do it alone. Together, we’re working to build a health and care service that’s fit for the future.
What does all of that mean?
It’s about people. We want to encourage and help people to live healthier, longer lives.
If the different parts of our health and care system work more closely together we’ll see some big rewards. We all need to do more to stop getting ill in the first place. But when people do become ill we want to make sure they can get access to joined up health and care support in the community, away from hospitals where possible, to help them live independently for as long as they can.