Contact Us

You can contact us in a number of different ways – we are always happy to hear from you.

You can write to us at:

NHS Somerset Integrated Care Board
Wynford House
Lufton Way
BA22 8HR


You can call us on: 01935 384000

Or you can email us at:

Normal office hours are 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.


COVID-19 vaccination queries

COVID-19 appointments will be available to book via your GP surgery, through the NHS App and website, or by calling 119.

You can not book an appointment via our Community Hospitals, NHS Somerset or our PALs line.

If a suitable appointment isn't available at first, please keep trying. We are adding appointments daily. We'd like to reassure you that there will be enough appointments for everyone eligible to get their vaccines this winter.

If you or someone you know is housebound and waiting to to hear from the NHS about the COVID-19 vaccination, we want to reassure you that the NHS will be in touch to arrange your visit.

You don't need to get in touch with us unless you are concerned you may not be registered as housebound.

If you are newly housebound, and do not think you are registered as housebound please contact PALs and we can pass your details to the COVID-19 vaccination housebound team.

If you are emailing us or leaving an answerphone message please include:

  • Name
  • DOB
  • NHS Number (if known)
  • Address
  • Contact Number
  • GP Practice
  • Query

And let us know that you consent to us sharing your details so someone can be in touch about arranging an appointment.