Host Commissioner

Find out what host commissioning is and how it works in Somerset

Host Commissioner Guidelines: People diagnosed with a Learning Disability and / or Autistic People

NHS England (NHSE) and NHS Improvement (NHSI) published Host Commissioner Guidance in January 2021 (updated in June 2023).  This describes a clear expectation that as the local Integrated Care Board (ICB) we ensure that we have assurances and maintain effective quality surveillance of independent hospitals caring for people who have been placed by different ICBs into Somerset.  For NHS Somerset this oversight relates to Cygnet Hospital Taunton which supports people with a diagnosis of a mental health condition or a diagnosis of a learning disability and / or autistic people. The hospital address is provided at the end of this page.

Whilst the Host Commissioner Guidance relates specifically to the quality of care for people with a diagnosis of Learning Disability and / or Autism, at NHS Somerset we have decided to extend elements of the oversight described by NHSE to all people placed at this location.

You can review the Host Commissioner guidelines for people diagnosed with a Learning Disability and / or Autistic people here.

You can also contact us via our Host Commissioner inbox at Please mark it for the attention of the MH / LD Commissioning and Quality Teams.

Somerset Independent Hospitals
Cygnet Hospital Taunton
Orchard Portman
Somerset  TA3 7BQ
Tel:  01823 336457


Elysium Wellesley Hospital
Somerset  TA21 9FF