Continuing Healthcare

We have an agreed operational policy with Somerset County Council in place to support the Continuing Healthcare process including guidance on the completion of the threshold assessment

What does NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) mean?

NHS Continuing Healthcare means a package of ongoing care that is arranged and funded solely by the National Health Service (NHS) where the individual has been assessed and found to have a ‘primary health need’ as set out in the National Framework.

Such care is provided to an individual aged 18 or over, to meet health and associated social care needs that have arisen as a result of disability, accident or illness.

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The Continuing Healthcare process; a summary

We have an agreed operational policy with Somerset County Council in place to support the Continuing Healthcare process including guidance on the completion of the threshold assessment known as the Checklist.

The Checklist can be completed by a variety of health and social care practitioners, who have been trained in its use by the Continuing Healthcare team. This could include, for example, registered nurses employed by the NHS, GPs, other clinicians or local authority staff such as social workers, occupational therapists, etc.

A positive Checklist means that the individual may go forward for a full assessment and consideration of eligibility for Continuing Healthcare. A positive checklist does not mean the individual is eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare only that they should be considered.

Once an individual has met the criteria for a full assessment of eligibility following the use of a Checklist, then a multidisciplinary team can assess whether the individual has a primary health need using the Decision Support Tool. The multidisciplinary team will in most cases make a recommendation on eligibility and we will ratify within 28 days of notification and receipt of the Checklist.

Contact details

Administration email –

Administration Team phone – 01935 38 5233 Option 1

Contracts and Payments Team – 01935 38 5233 Option 2

Safeguarding team – 01935 38 5233 Option 3

Fast Track team – 01935 38 5233 Option 4