Mental health services
Information about mental health services in Somerset.
Explore Open Mental Stay Well in 2025 Health's Wellbeing page. It’s packed with resources and support options from across the OMH alliance. Whether you’re facing family tensions, money worries, or the stress of a new year, we’ve got you covered to help you stay well and make the most of 2025.
My Local Health Services
Mental health support is available from a number of services. This section provides an overview of the services in Somerset.
Community Mental Health Services
You can find out more about mental health support provided by Somerset NHS Foundation Trust by clicking on the link below.
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Website.
Open Mental Health
Open Mental Health is an alliance of local voluntary organisations, the NHS and social care, Somerset Council, and individuals with lived experience of mental health challenges. Together, we’re transforming mental health support in Somerset by ensuring everyone can access the help they need when they need it most.
Our services include NHS and voluntary sector mental health support, housing advice, debt and employment guidance, volunteering opportunities, community activities, peer support, and local exercise groups.
We are committed to providing a "no wrong door" approach, so no matter the challenge, you’ll always find the right support.
You’re Not Alone - Contact Open Mental Health
If you’re concerned about your mental health, feel stressed, anxious, depressed, or need advice or someone to talk to, Mindline Somerset is here for you 24/7. Call us at any time of the day or night and get the help you need.
- Mindline Somerset: Call 0800 138 1692 (freephone) or 01823 276892 (local rate) 24/7.
- Alternatively, visit the Open Mental Health website to learn more or send us a message.
Crisis Support
If you or someone you know is struggling with an out-of-hours mental health crisis, instead of going to A&E, making an urgent GP appointment, or suffering in silence, you can arrange a one-to-one session with a Crisis Safe Space team member who will listen and offer support. Book a session on our website or call Mindline Somerset on the number above.
Watch the animation below to find out more about Crisis Safe Space.
Mental Health Support
If you, or someone you know, needs mental health support and guidance you can contact the following:
- Samaritans provide confidential emotional support if you are anxious, depressed or suicidal. Call the 24-hour helpline 08457 90 90 90
- MIND Infoline offers advice and support information. Lines are open 9.00am – 6.00pm Mon – Fri except bank holidays. Call 0300 123 3393
- HOPELINE247 (managed by PAPYRUS) here to provide you with a safe space to talk through anything happening in your life that could be impacting on your or anyone else’s ability to stay safe. Open 24/7. Call 0800 068 41 41 Text 88247 or email
- Saneline is a national out-of-hours mental health helpline offering emotional support for people in mental distress. They are open between everyday between 4.30pm – 10.30pm. Call 0300 304 7000
- MindLine Somerset is a confidential listening service providing a safe place to talk if you, or someone you know, is in distress. Their emotional support and mental health helpline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 01823 276 892
- MindLine Trans+ provide a confidential emotional, mental health support helpline and signposting service for people who identify as Trans, A Gender, Gender Fluid, Non-binary. Lines are open Mondays and Friday evenings between 8.00pm and midnight. Call 0300 330 5468
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust provides a range of services across the county to support people who are experiencing a mental health crisis. Visit their website for more information: Mental health crisis – Somerset NHS Foundation Trust (
If you are concerned about an immediate risk of harm – either to yourself or someone else – then phone 999.
Children and Young People's Mental Health Services
The Somerset Emotional and Mental Health Route Map provides a brief overview of some of the key services and support avenues to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in Somerset.
Our Child and Adolescent Mental Health services are provided by Somerset NHS Foundation Trust. Find out more about the service and how to access it on the Somerset Child and Adolescent Mental Health services webpage.
Young Somerset's Wellbeing Service
Young Somerset's wellbeing service offers free wellbeing support for young people experiencing low level mental health needs. Find out more here on the Young Somerset website.
Kooth is a free, interactive website for children and young people, accessible on all devices. It is a safe, confidential online mental health service where young people can receive counselling, advice and support for their emotional wellbeing. The therapy team are qualified counsellors and psychotherapists. They work closely together and know about other services, so the young people they work with can be signposted to the best information and support.
Pregnant women and new parent mental health services
Perinatal mental health problems are those which occur during pregnancy or in the first year following the birth of a child. If left untreated, it can have significant and long lasting effects.
If you need advice and support you should speak to your GP, midwife, or health visitor. They may refer you to the specialist maternal mental health team or the perinatal mental health team.
There are also local parenting groups who can provide help, including NCT and Sling Libraries. You can also talk to your health visitor, friends and family.
More advice on perinatal mental health services can be found on the Somerset Health and Wellbeing website.
Mental Health Services Commissioning
Somerset’s Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Commissioning Team support the health and wellbeing of the people of Somerset by putting them at the heart of the way our mental health services are designed and commissioned.
Find out more about our commissioning work on our mental health programme page.