Somerset Urgent Community Response

Urgent Community Response (UCR) teams provide urgent care to people in their home which helps to avoid hospital admissions and enable people to live independently for longer.


We know, given a choice many people would prefer to be cared for at home.

If there is a crisis in your health, for example, if you or someone you care for, has a fall or there is a sudden deterioration in your health, we can help.

We will come out within two hours of receiving a referral from your GP, 111, 999, your care home or your pendant alarm response service.

We are here for anyone over 18 and are open 365 days a year from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.

What is urgent care?

We might be called in if your health suddenly gets worse and you need urgent care. This could be because you have suddenly become less mobile, your informal carer arrangements have broken down, or you are experiencing confusion or delirium.

We can help you maintain your independence at home by sending one of our highly qualified health professionals out to you within two hours of receiving a referral.

You are in safe hands

The NHS team at Somerset Urgent Community Response brings together a wide range of skills including advance clinical practitioners, district nurses, physiotherapists who can assess and treat your urgent healthcare needs and pharmacy technicians, who can review and help you understand your medication.

Our teams have lifting equipment so we can help you if have fallen to get back on your feet.

We will make sure you get the right help

Importantly, we don’t just treat the symptoms, but we will carry out an assessment to understand why you have become unwell. Where necessary, we can refer you onto other health and social care services for help to try and prevent a crisis in your healthcare happening again.