Staying fit in Somerset
People living in Somerset have told us it has been hard to get back to being active following the Covid-19 pandemic. We've heard from young people aged 16-34, those who are struggling financially and those with a disability or long-term health condition who say that finding the time, knowing what to do or who to speak to can be difficult.
Thankfully, there is lots of support and available out there to help you get the exercise you want.
SASP is a Somerset wide charity that provides accessible opportunities locally for all ages and abilities, prioritising those who are least active. It can give you advice on local classes and activity and provides a range of online tutorials.

For older people
As we get older it is particularly important to do some type of physical activity every day. Even small amounts of activity to reduce time spent sitting or lying down and break up long periods of not moving make a big difference. Not only can this reduce the risk of developing certain health conditions, but it can also improve our wellbeing. Find out more about what the guidelines are for physical activity for older adults:
Physical activity guidelines for older adults – NHS
- Improve quality of life
- Improve mental health
- Improve fitness and maintain healthy weight
- Strengthen muscles and bones
- Benefits overall health
- Builds confidence
- New opportunities and increases independence
- 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week (swim, walk, cycle)
- Strength building twice a week (gym, yoga, carrying heavy bags)
- Improve balance twice a week (dance, bowls, tai chi)
- Avoid long periods of inactivity
Physical activity guidelines for older adults
Physical activity guidelines for older adults, aged 65 and over, for general health and fitness, including simple ideas for building exercise into your day.
Easy exercises for children
Get the kids moving with these fun games inspired by some of their favourite Disney characters. These boredom-busting activities will help them reach the 60 active minutes they need every day!
10 Minute Shake Up games – Healthier Families
Adapted exercises for people with disabilities
There are plenty of ways to stay active if you are disabled, and SASP have put together a guide to help you find ways to move, with videos, exercise sheets and advice to help you.
Adapted Activities - Somerset Activity & Sports Partnership (