HPV Vaccination
The free HPV vaccine, given as an arm injection, protects against a range of cancers and significantly lowering related conditions like cervical cancer and genital warts.
What is the HPV vaccine?
The HPV vaccine helps protect against a range of cancers, including cervical, head and neck, anal and genital cancers, which can affect everyone. It’s spread through skin contact (usually when having sex).
The HPV vaccine is given as an injection into your arm and is free. reducing your risk of getting HPV.
Since the vaccine has been used, there has been a big drop in the number of young people getting conditions linked to HPV, such as cervical cancer and genital warts.
Who can have the HPV vaccine?
It is usually offered at school in year 8 aged 12 and 13 in school, which is when you would have been in Year 8.
It wasn’t always offered to everyone. If you did not have the vaccine while in school, you can have it on the NHS up until you turn 25 years old.
How can I get the vaccine?
In school/college
We have visits arranged for those in schools or colleges - you should have already been sent a letter with a list of dates (if you are outstanding an HPV vaccination). Or you can email us on somersetsaints@somersetft.nhs.uk or call 0300 323 0032
At a vaccine clinic
5th February, Yeovil District Hospital, The Academy Room from 10.00-15.00
8th February, West Mendip Hospital, Seminar Room, 10.00 - 16.00
22nd February, West Mendip Hospital, Seminar Room, 10.00 - 16.00
26th February, Yeovil College, time TBC
20th March, Strode College, 1st aid room, 10.00 - 17.00
At my GP
Call your GP practice to book an appointment. Some GPs may not be offering the vaccine. Please complete this form if you are unable to book an appointment with your GP.