Citizens' Panel FAQs
Think 111 First Engagement
Citizens' Panel - FAQs
The Citizens’ Panel offers an opportunity for all people across the county to get involved in our engagement work and have their say. Taking part as a panel member means you can continuously hear from us about opportunities to get involved, share your feedback and we can respond to you.
Here we answer some of you questions about the Panel.

What is the Somerset Citizens' Panel?
Somerset's Citizens' Panel are a group of local residents who volunteer to share their experiences and ideas on local health and care services.
Panel members are asked to share their views on live projects and consultations, and are also able to regularly share ideas and experiences through the engagement tools on this page.
Panel members help NHS Somerset ICB gather views from a representative section of our community, understand needs and experiences, and shape the NHS services of the future.
Yes! Anyone living in Somerset can become a member of the Citizens' Panel.
It is entirely voluntary and you can choose which bits to take part in. We only ask that you interact with the panel as much as you can, to ensure that your voice is heard.
We want the Citizens' Panel to be representative of Somerset's population to ensure we are hearing from all the different groups in our community.
To do this, we ask panel members to register and answer questions about their race, gender, sexuality, religion, location, and age group.
We are only asking these questions to ensure the panel remains representative and we will not be using this information to identify individuals who participate.
Being a panel member means playing an important part in shaping your local NHS. You are helping us provide better services in a way that really matters for local residents.
The Citizens' Panel provides the opportunity for members of the public to have their voices heard by local health and care decision makers. Your thoughts, ideas, and experiences are important.
The NHS Somerset Engagement Team share summary reports and feedback following engagement with panel members, so you can see how your input is being used.
Quick polls and surveys are not always live, but will be opened regularly by the NHS Somerset engagement team. Quick poll and survey questions are dependent on what is relevant in Somerset at that time.
How do I ask another question?
You can email us at: