Engagement - News and Updates

Electronic patient record engagement - 2021

Electronic patient record engagement 2021

In 2021, we ran a survey to understand resident's knowledge and understanding of Somerset Integrated Digital e-Record (SIDeR). SIDeR ensures that up-to-date and relevant information is available for healthcare professionals, so they can make informed and timely decisions about their patient's care.

The Somerset Integrated Digital e-Record (SIDeR) is a safe way for health and social care staff to access information from different care organisations, all in one place. SIDeR ensures that up-to-date and relevant information is available for healthcare professionals, so they can make informed and timely decisions about their patient's care.

The system securely holds information about your health conditions, hospital attendances, care teams, medical history, allergies, and medication. It is a county-wide partnership of health and social care organisations, including all GP Practices.

sider diagram, no background.

What you said -

  • Responses were overall positive
  • Majority of respondents were happy with their records being accessed by authorised professionals for care purposes.
  • Small numbers of people were aware of the NHS and council's communications materials.
  • Low numbers of respondents were aware of the NHS and Somerset Council's communications materials on SIDeR.
  • However, a significant number of respondents indicated a good level of knowledge on the benefits of shared care records and how they are accessed.
  • Responses were overall positive about the programme, with the majority being happy with their records being accessed for direct care purposes.

What we did -

  • Survey responses reaffirmed the Board's focus on seeking out further opportunities for communicating key messages about SIDeR with patients and the public
  • The Digital Delivery Board will be looking at methods for linking messages into existing communications channels
  • These findings were presented to Somerset's Information Governance (IG) Working Group and the Digital Delivery Board, who oversee the programme. The overall feeling, supported by this exercise, is that the programme must seize all opportunities to communicate with patients.
  • The Board are conscious of the need to refine and improve communications about SIDeR and will look at methods of linking up messaging on the programme with existing communications channels, i.e. appointment letters, leaflets, and web-based materials. The Information Governance Working Group will check that proposed enhancements to organisational privacy notices are in place.Feedback from the survey will be used as a key resources in steering the SIDeR programme into the future, and we will be considering further engagement moving forward.


In 2021, we ran a survey to understand the public's knowledge and understanding of information sharing through SIDeR.

What we asked -

  • What do you think are some of the benefits of electronically shared care records?
  • What are some of the other benefits of electronically shared care records?
  • When you need treatment and staff need to look at your shared care record, you believe they...
  • How long do you think the NHS retains your records?
  • Other than data on your health and care, what categories of personal information do you think health & care services collect and share (where appropriate)?
  • As a patient you believe that you have the right to...
  • In which instances do you think the NHS can share data with other organisations?
  • In which other instances do you think the NHS can share data with other organisations?

What you told us

I would like to see a NHS ecard that everyone should carry so that wherever you are whatever your needs your information is easily accessible. With certain conditions getting the right treatment can be critical. For people on anticoagulants, people with Parkinsons ,diabetics, not getting the right medication on time every time could be life changing.

This is a similar comment to the one below. I have always thought how much better it would be if health information could be shared /accessed by anyone in the health service wherever you are - joined up information.