Engagement - News and Updates

Remote Monitoring Engagement

Remote Monitoring Online Survey

The ICB Engagement Team has been supporting colleagues in developing an online survey around the use of digital technology and remote monitoring.


The use of digital technologies is increasingly playing a part in our lives, including in healthcare. The concept of remote monitoring has been around for some time and involves use of devices to enable people to receive, record and relay information about their health and wellbeing in real time.

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Remote Monitoring

What is remote monitoring?

Remote Monitoring is the use of monitoring devices to enable people to receive, record and relay information about their health and wellbeing in real time. It can be used to support health and care teams in treatment and care planning.


How does it work?

Remote monitoring could include being given a piece of medical equipment and being asked to use it and record your own results over an agreed period of time, for example by taking your blood pressure twice a day, weighing yourself each morning, using a pulse oximeter to monitor your oxygen saturation levels, using devices to monitor your glucose levels. It could also include answering a range of questions online about how you feel and monitoring your symptoms. This isn’t an exhaustive list and you may be aware of other examples. Through remote monitoring the results are then reviewed by a healthcare professional, usually electronically.


Why are Somerset Integrated Care Board (ICB) interested in remote monitoring?

Somerset ICB is currently looking at the use of remote monitoring principles and technology in the provision of health and care services in Somerset, as well as looking to understand how others are using it nationally. We would like to understand people & communities' experiences of using this and their views on using it in the future.


What is the aim of this survey?

We would like to understand people & communities' experiences of using this and their views on using it in the future. Can you see opportunities for these principles to help you and/or clinical teams manage a health condition or episode of ill health?
Do you have any concerns about this concept?

We would love to know, so that we can shape our thinking and approach. This online survey is just the initial step in our engagement with people & communities around digital technologies. We aim to use other engagement methods to capture everyone’s thoughts and feedback throughout the development of this work.


How will my feedback be used?

The information you provide will be used as part of discussions helping us to develop our views on the use of this type of technology and may be used to help us develop a strategy for using remote monitoring in health care services in Somerset. We will also share the feedback with teams already using these types of technologies to help improve and further develop the services they offer. All information will be anonymous.


A summary of the key themes that emerge from this survey will be made available on our website for information. We will also share 'You Said, We Did' about how your feedback has been used to help shape our work.


Picture of a Somerset market place with stalls and people
Photograph of 5 people standing under a gazebo
An image of two women writing down their memories for NHS 75 anniversary