Engagement - News and Updates
Working with people and communities
Shaping Somerset - Engagement Annual Report 2023/2024
The NHS Somerset Engagement Team are proud to share NHS Somerset’s Shaping Somerset - Engagement Annual Report 2023-24, highlighting the wide range of engagement that has taken place over the last year.
Engagement ensures that the voices of diverse people and communities from across the whole county are always at the heart of what we do. Continuously engaging and communicating with patients, families and carers, community groups, partners, stakeholders and the public in the planning, design and delivery of health and care services is essential in shaping our work.
Public involvement is an essential part of making sure that effective and efficient health and care services are commissioned and developed, so that the right services meet the needs of local people.

You Said, We Did
During the past year, we have continued to engage in a number of ways, for example through online surveys, engagement events, workshops, drop-in sessions, interviews, focus groups, telephone conversations and attending local, community meetings. We have also engaged through our existing engagement structures, such as our NHS Somerset Citizens’ Hub and Citizens’ Panel, and engagement activity around commissioning services and transformation projects. We have encouraged and supported all opportunities for meaningful involvement in decision making, where people have a genuine opportunity to collaborate and to influence services and decisions.
With all of the above engagement opportunities, we endeavour to communicate with people how their contributions have made a difference, through ‘You Said, We Did’ updates. These are shared not only in our engagement annual report, but also continuously via emails out through our engagement networks, in newsletters and bulletins and on our engagement website and in our social media posts.
We are looking forward to sharing 'You Said, We Did' from our Somerset's Big Conversation 2024 roadshow. The roadshow has been an invaluable opportunity to raise awareness of key campaigns and to talk with people about what matters to them. All feedback is currently being analysed and we will produce a final findings report, highlighting how feedback will be used to shape the health are care strategy for Somerset.

Shaping Somerset - Engagement Annual Report 2023/2024
If you have any questions, would like to discuss the report or you would like to know more about our continuous engagement, please email the Engagement Team at somicb.engagement@nhs.net