Medicines used in childhood
On this page you will find information and resources on prescribing in children
Medicines in Pregnancy, Children and Lactation
The British National Formulary for Children (BNFC) addresses day-to-day prescribing information needs of healthcare professionals treating children. The BNFC brings together authoritative independent guidance on best practice, validating information with a standardised process. Careful consideration is given to establishing the clinical need for unlicensed interventions. It remains the main stay of reliable prescribing information alongside NICE guidance outlined below for the most common conditions, but is not an exhaustive list.
The Specialist Pharmacy Service have suggested resources to help primary care healthcare professionals find information on medicines use in paediatrics to support answering questions.
Please expand the topics below for more information and useful links.
The information and links provided are for guidance, clinical decisions remain the responsibility of the practitioner; the intention is to help prescribers find evidence based information and does not replace input from appropriate professionals or constitute medical advice for individual patients.
For guidance on Scarlet Fever and GAS – Please see the NHS Somerset infection management formulary for information.
The SPS have developed interim guidance on the use of solid dosage form antibiotics in children for use where liquids cannot be obtained.
Medicines for Children provide some practical guidance and leaflets for children.