Annual report and financial accounts

Our Annual Report and Financial Accounts are published in June every year.

Annual Report and Financial Accounts

An annual report is a comprehensive document of an organisation’s activities and financial accounts for the preceding year.

As an ICB, each year we produced an annual report which described our activities during each financial year. It reports on our achievements and challenges, our commissioning intentions and plans for the future, the goals and priorities we have set for the coming year and how well we have met the priorities set for the previous year. We report on our governance processes, assurance and accountability mechanisms.

Our Annual Report and Financial Accounts are published in June every year.

Joint Capital Resource Use Plan 2023/2024

Annual Report & Annual Accounts 2021/22

Old NHS Somerset CCG annual reports

Somerset CCG Annual Report and Accounts Apr 22 - Jun 22

You can view our old NHS Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on our CCG Annual Reports page.

Expenditure over £25,000

In accordance with the HM Treasury guidance ‘Transparency – Publication of Spend over £25,000’, NHS Somerset has made a commitment to publish all transactions over £25,000. You can view details of the transactions in monthly reports by following the link below. It is hoped that the publication of this information will increase transparency and facilitate better public understanding of how public authorities carry out their duties, why they make the decisions they do, and how they spend public money.

In accordance with the HM Treasury guidance, ‘Transparency – Publication of Spend over £25,000’ the transactions not included within the publication are:

  • salary payments to staff
  • transactions considered to be commercially sensitive by NHS Somerset which cannot be disclosed under Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000
  • personal information protected by the Data Protection Act 1998 and Section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000

Our Mental Health Investment Standard

To support the ambitions within the NHS Long Term Plan, we are committed to ensuring that essential investment in mental health services continues to grow at a faster rate than the overall NHS budget we receive. The Mental Health Investment Standard builds on progress made over the last few years as set out in 2016 in NHS England’s Five year forward view – the ‘blueprint’ for improving mental health services – informed by the views of thousands of patients, their families and medical professionals.

Our Mental Health Investment Standard has been reviewed by an independent auditor and shows that we have fully met our obligations of continued investment in mental health services, at a faster rate than our overall published programme funding.

We are committed to the development and provision of high quality mental health services that meet the changing needs of our population in Somerset and we are continuing to work closely with our local healthcare providers to expand and develop new services.

Following a successful audit, the full Mental Health Investment Standard audit findings report is now available:

Further information

You can view a copy of the HM Treasury guidance ‘Transparency – Publication of Spend over £25,000’ on their website.

You can view further information related to data transparency at

If you require any further explanation about the information published under this guidance, please contact our Freedom of Information Officer.

The CCG participates in the Cabinet Office’s National Fraud Initiative and details of how we do this is set out in the Privacy Notice.