I am a professional supporting the Armed Forces

There are approximately 27,900 veterans living in Somerset. Add to that their partners, the serving members of the Armed Forces and their partners and dependents, as well as the reservists and we have an overall Armed Forces community of approximately 50,000. That's 9% of our population.

On this page you will find information and links to many organisations who support the Armed Forces community.

The Somerset Armed Forces Link Workers and the Armed Forces team at Somerset ICB are also available to help you support this cohort.

If they are unable to meet the needs of your patient directly, they can introduce you to specialist services and VCFSE organisations that can.

Somerset Armed Forces Link Workers

Our Armed Forces Link Workers understand what it's like to be part of the Armed Forces community. Between them, they have almost 50 years experience of service life. Queries or needs do not need to be directly linked to the service life of a client/patient.

They are able to provide advice  about a wide range of services  which are specifically targeted at the Armed Forces community in Somerset and if they are unable to meet needs directly, they will provide an introduction to an organisation that can.

You can contact the Link Workers directly about a patient, or suggest that a client/patient contacts them themselves.

The Somerset Armed Forces Link Workers are there to support you. They may not have all the answers, but they will do their best to work with you to find a solution to your query.

Some of the areas with which they have provided support to date include:

  • mental health concerns
  • social isolation
  • worries about family members, for example, caring for a partner or settling children into a new school
  • changing family dynamics, for example coping with a new baby or with the illness or death of a loved one
  • managing chronic pain
  • assistance accessing financial support
  • issues surrounding cost-of-living hardship
  • support for those who have to leave Forces accommodation as a result of divorce

The list above is not exhaustive. If you would prefer to speak to an Link Worker rather than email, they are generally available by phone during office hours or you can leave your details and they will call you back:

Jon: 07759 005067

Samantha: 07376 090383

Sam: 07561 350995

Physical wellbeing

It is uncommon for a serving member of the Armed Forces to be registered with an NHS GP as they are routinely registered with a GP at their unit/base. However, this will not be the case for the family members of serving personnel or for non-mobilised reservists.

Furthermore, there are some occasions where serving personnel might be instructed by their unit medical centre to register with an an NHS GP, for example to access cancer services or maternity care.

Some sources of support for specific scenarios are listed below. For further assistance, contact the Armed Forces Link Workers.

Mental wellbeing

PTSD is often associated with those who serve or have served in the past. However, the mental wellbeing of partners and dependent children can also be affected by having a loved one in the Armed Forces or who has previously served.

The Armed Forces Link Workers are part of a wider network of individuals and organisations who are able to support all those in the Armed Forces community with their mental wellbeing.

Some sources of support for specific groups are provided below. For further assistance, contact the Armed Forces Link Workers.


Support is available for clients/patients who require support with issues around employment.

Op Prosper is an Office for Veterans’ Affairs programme which ensures veterans and their families have equal access to employment opportunities. It is able to support those currently serving into careers as they leave the Armed Forces and can also offer support to the partners of veterans and those serving.

For more information click here or direct your client/patient to one of  the Armed Forces Link Workers.

Justice system

Op NOVA, delivered by the Forces Employment Charity and commissioned by NHS England, provides support for veterans who are in contact with the justice system. This support enables veterans to access the services they need.

They are able to provide one to one, non-clinical support to veterans who are at risk of being arrested or already have been, are due to leave prison or have been released from prison. Veterans accessing the service have access to a range of practical and emotional help, along with being supported by an expert case worker.

Our Armed Forces Link Workers may also be able to introduce family members and dependents of veterans to sources of support.

Housing and accommodation

Op Fortitude is the government-backed centralised referral pathway designed to support veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

More information about this service can be found here.

The hotline number for this service is 0800 952 0774 or you can find the referral form here.

If you are working with a client/patient who is experiencing issues with accommodation or homelessness, contact our Armed Forces Link Workers.

Contact one of our Armed Forces Link Workers who may be able to assist clients/patients with sources of support, such as introducing them to their local village agent or supporting them to access food vouchers.

If your patient/client is facing financial hardship due to specific circumstances within their relationship, such as gambling addiction, long-term sickness of a family member etc, further help may be available.

Further information on local services

A thriving Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector exists in Somerset and there is a wide range of services available.

The Armed Forces Link Workers are there to help you to access this support for your client/patient.