Safeguarding Training
Safeguarding Training and Supervision
Every NHS organisation, and each individual healthcare professional working in the NHS, has a responsibility to ensure that the principles and duties of safeguarding children and adults are consistently applied, with the well-being of those children and adults at the heart of what we do.
All staff in the NHS have a responsibility to safeguard children and adults at risk of abuse or neglect and safeguarding should be a fundamental component of the commissioning cycle. Safeguarding is core business for NHS Somerset and should not be viewed as additional work.
Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, wellbeing, and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse, and neglect.
The Royal Colleges have produced Intercollegiate Documents that set out the minimum standards for Safeguarding staffing resources and provides information on mandatory safeguarding training requirements, including Prevent for all staff (and Mental Capacity Act training where required) within NHS Somerset ICB, primary care and other NHS providers. The identification of the level of mandatory safeguarding training required is dependent on the staff member’s role and responsibilities.
Full details and definition of staff groups and competences at each level can be found here:
Safeguarding Children:
Intercollegiate Guidance (training and specific competency information)
Safeguarding adults:
Looked After Children:
Roles and competencies for Health Care Staff
NHS Prevent training and competencies framework DHSC (2022)
Where can I access Safeguarding Training?
Safeguarding Training facilitated by the ICB’s Safeguarding Team for GP Safeguarding Leads Training Day and ICB staff that require Level 3
The ICB Safeguarding team continue to offer a biannual training day at to support the GP safeguarding leads and ICB staff in developing safeguarding children and adult knowledge, keeping updated and to meet individual training requirements. These training days are managed by the ICB’s safeguarding team. For further information email the team as above.
Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP)
The SSCP deliver a programme of Level 3 multiagency training. As the ICB is one of the 3 Lead safeguarding partners; health agencies always have free places in various locations and online.
Booking details and further information on the comprehensive SSCP training programme is available here: Events List ( and please request a free health place when booking (first come first served basis). The SSCP training brochure includes guidance on how to book on individual training. This training programme is not managed by the ICB’s safeguarding team.
As per the Intercollegiate Document and feedback from CQC inspections within Somerset, Level 3 staff require face to face training, some of which needs to be multi-agency. The SSCP training is ideal for meeting this statutory safeguarding children training multi-agency requirement.
Please note: Level 3 competencies and safeguarding children training are required for clinical staff only (GPs/Nurses etc). GPs and Nurses meet the requirements for attendance on these SSCP courses, therefore ignore the highlighted info in the training brochure stating you should have attended previous SSCB training, before being allowed to access the Level 3 safeguarding children training.
Somerset Safeguarding Adult Board (SSAB)
The SSAB website houses training and highlights learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews locally and nationally is cascaded via Practice Guidance and Resources and is incorporated into all aspects of multi-agency training. Published reviews can be found here: Learning from serious cases – Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board (
Reading published reviews, reflecting and recording counts as evidence of additional learning at Level 3 and above.
Somerset Foundation Trust:
Safeguarding Children and Adult Level 3 modules can be accessed by GPs via SFT Training Academy. If you are a Symphony Healthcare Service (SHS) GP Practice, this is free of charge. This training is heavily subsidised for other Somerset practices at £40.00 per year, per clinician, to cover ALL mandatory training, and £20.00 per year per non-clinician. For further information and to book, contact Yeovil District Hospital’s Training Academy on 01935 384585.
- eLearning for healthcare options for Safeguarding adults
- Safeguarding Children and Young People - elearning for healthcare (
- Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) training programme
- SSCP partnership forum webinars (Forum Week - What is Neglect? ( practitioners can listen to and then write a reflection of learning on using the education and reflection record.
- Somerset Domestic Abuse Service training on a variety of topics including domestic abuse, MARAC, coercive and controlling behaviour, and stalking- Training (Somerset Domestic Abuse Service) Practitioners can email the training organisers on or complete the Somerset DA booking form on the website.
- Domestic Abuse eLearning modules provided by the charity AVA
- GPET: training opportunities through the Somerset GP Education Trust: