On Wednesday 12 March, as part of National No Smoking Day, a five-year Smokefree Somerset campaign is being launched by NHS Somerset and Somerset Council’s Public Health Team to meet the ambitious national government target of reducing the numbers smoking, so only 5% of our population smokes by 2030.
In Somerset, this equates to helping 45,000 quit smoking by 2030.
“Whether you’re thinking about quitting, ready to quit, or need help staying smoke free, we’ve got tips and support to help you at every stage. Learn how to get through the tough times, stay focused, and quit for good.
“In Somerset, we are focusing on “What is Your Why?” to inspire Somerset residents to quit smoking by encouraging smokers to identify their personal reasons for quitting. This approach shifts the focus from health warnings to personal motivation, making quitting feel more achievable and relevant”. Says Kate Anderson from Somerset Council’s Public Health team.
With a target of around 45,000 needing to quit smoking in the county we need to have a better understanding of not only what motivates people to quit smoking but also what motivates them to start and how best to communicate with them.
The Smokefree Somerset campaign targets those in high-risk groups such as pregnant women, individuals with mental health issues, adults experiencing homelessness and ethnic minority communities where smoking rates are higher or pose specific health concerns.
Why does it matter?
Smoking is the leading changeable lifestyle habit, which impacts both the length and quality of life. Smokers are 35% more likely to see their GP and 36% more likely to be admitted to hospital compared to non-smokers, highlighting the substantial burden smoking places on the healthcare system.
There are immediate benefits, when individuals quit smoking, including reduced hospital readmissions, shorter hospital stays, and fewer visits to A&E departments.
Smoking is also an expensive habit. On average, a smoker spends £2,488 annually on tobacco products. Estimates suggest that every cigarette takes 11 minutes off a person’s life. Tobacco is the only legal product that, when used as intended, kills a significant number of its users.
Key smoking statistics
•12.6% of our Somerset population smoke – that’s around 60,000 people
•700 people die due to smoking each year with1,700 being out of work due to ill health from smoking
•21% of people in our Core 20 areas (our most disadvantaged communities) smoke compared to 11% in non-Core 20 areas.
•An estimated 26,100 children live in smoking households in Somerset
•Children are 3 times more likely to start smoking if their loved ones around them do
•An estimated 1,200 children start smoking each year
•Smoking costs Somerset £190 million a year – through the impact on:
- Productivity – £152m
- Social care – £13.6m
- Health – £20.4m
- Fires – £ 3.58m
Thinking of giving up?
- Visit our smokefree pages here: https://smokefreesomerset.org.uk/
- Link here to see what ex-smokers in Somerset are saying about what made them quit smoking: https://youtu.be/SI8oKj1knds?si=yXeOGH9_Hk-4JMEf
- Link to Carl’s story here Carl’s Smokefree Story – YouTube
- Download the Stop Smoking app here https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking/