Digital Projects

We are responsible for delivering digital transformation across Somerset health and care services, based on national, regional and local requirements.

Using innovative technology for Somerset’s healthcare

Our Digital Team enables digital transformation and works on digital strategy as part of the NHS Long Term Plan. An ICS digital strategy is being produced in line with national, regional and local requirements.

The Digital Team currently has approximately 20 members who have many years of NHS and Public Health experience between them.

We understand that people have busy lives so work closely with the public empowering people to utilise digital tools.  These include health apps for smartphones like the NHS App and using computers/laptops for patient online services.  This allows for more convenience when accessing health services and advice.  We only recommend tools approved as safe and reliable by NHS Digital and most of these are free.

We do recognise that digital is not for everyone and strive to ensure that nobody is digitally excluded. Traditional ways of contacting your practice are still available to those who really need them.

We run a Digital People’s Champion Group which is made up of members of the public who are interested in our work.  This group meets several times a year to discuss new innovations and online services, if you are interested in finding out more, or joining, contact us at

The team also works closely with health and care professionals across Somerset to help enable interoperability and promote record sharing across the system with our Somerset Integrated Digital electronic Record (SIDeR) programme.

Our Digital Services