Safeguarding Adults
The Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) wants to ensure the workforce has easy access to information to support adults with care and support needs from abuse or neglect. The majority of the following can be found on the SSAB website, below are links to the more commonly accessed guides.
Guidance for safeguarding adults in Somerset
How to make a safeguarding adult's referral
What happens after you make a safeguarding adult's referral?
A whistle blower is an employee, a former employee or member of an organisation (especially a business or agency) who reports misconduct to people or organisations that have the power and presumed willingness to take corrective action.
Information relating to domestic abuse and the services available across Somerset. Including Somerset Council's locally based confidential service, offering a range of specialist support to anyone who needs advice and help on domestic abuse.
Domestic abuse (Persons who cause harm)
Referrals can be made by agencies working with those that cause harm, their families or victims. Explicit consent must be obtained from the individual before a referral can be made.
PREVENT is the multi-agency set of arrangements aimed at preventing individuals and groups from engaging in violent extremism.
The Channel Panel is the multi-agency mechanism that oversees and coordinates Prevent interventions in Somerset. The Panel has a statutory basis under the terms of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015.
Multi Agency Risk Management (MARM) Guidance (formally known as What to do if it's not Safeguarding)
This document is intended to empower all agencies (in their management of risk) to feel confident to instigate multi-agency risk management meetings in relation to people with complex needs or circumstances who do not require or meet the criteria for a local authority led adult safeguarding enquiry under section 432 of the Care Act (2014).
Adult safeguarding risk and decision-making tool
The Adult Safeguarding Risk Decision Making Tool (formerly Adult Safeguarding Risk Assessment Tool) is designed to assist practitioners in considering:
- the vulnerability of the adult at risk the seriousness of the abuse that is occurring; and
- the impact of the abuse and the risk of it recurring.
Some people have the legal right to an advocate. This is called statutory advocacy. In Somerset, Swann Advocacy have been commissioned to provide this.
This guidance outlines what county lines (and associated criminal exploitation) is, signs to look for in potential victims, and what to do about it.
Resolving Professional Differences
This guidance explains how professional differences relating to the safety of adults at risk of abuse should be resolved. It is applicable to all individuals and organisations who have a role in the safeguarding of adults at risk of abuse and supports Somerset’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy.
Self-neglect and working with people who experience self-neglect
Self-neglect is an extreme lack of self-care, to an extent that it threatens personal health and safety. This guide, and the links below, will support you in decision making regarding your role and responsibilities if you think your patient may be neglecting themselves.
Self-neglect hoarding guidance
Self-neglect and mental capacity
Self-neglect: legal powers and responsibilities
Self-neglect: directory of services in Somerset
Somerset Organisational Abuse Procedures
This document provides guidance for a multi-agency approach to responding to concerns in relation to the Organisational Abuse of adults with care and support needs.
The guide introduces legislation that can be applied to chronic, highly vulnerable, dependent drinkers to improve outcomes for them, their families and their communities.
Somerset Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR)
When an adult who needs care and support either dies or suffers serious harm, and when abuse or neglect is thought to have been a factor, the Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board may need to review what has happened. This is called a Safeguarding Adults Review. The link takes you to reviews commissioned and published by Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board.
Making a referral for a Safeguarding Adults Review
When an adult who needs care and support either dies or suffers serious harm, and when abuse or neglect is thought to have been a factor, the Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board may need to review what has happened. This is called a Safeguarding Adults Review. The Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board has a number of documents to support practitioners and families with this process.
Since 2011, the Safer Somerset Partnership has had a responsibility for undertaking Domestic Homicide Reviews where the death of a person aged 16 or over has, or appears to have resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by a relative, household member or someone s/he had been in an intimate relationship with.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Modern Slavery (Somerset Guidance)
Modern slavery is the exploitation of people for personal or commercial gain. This can include human trafficking, domestic exploitation, forced labour, sexual exploitation and criminal exploitation. This is a crime and to tackle this the Modern Slavery Act (2015) was introduced.
‘Unseen’ is a charity who work with victims of modern slavery and offer support and guidance to professionals also.
Are you worried about someone?
If you are worried about a vulnerable adult, please don’t stay silent:
- Phone Adult Social Care on 0300 123 2224
- Email Adult Social Care at
- Contact the Police on 101 or in an emergency call 999.
The Somerset Safeguarding Adults Website
The SSAB website contains safeguarding adult guidance for practitioners.