Gender Identity

This page contains links and resources for gender dysphoria, Trans, non-binary and LGBT+

Gender dysphoria

If your patient requests treatment for gender dysphoria, referring them to a Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) or an experienced gender specialist without delay will likely be the best option. An experienced gender specialist will have evidence of relevant training and at least two years’ experience working in a specialised gender dysphoria practice such as an NHS GIC.

Every patient’s treatment journey will be different and GICs aim to provide care packages tailored to individual need. By focusing on your patient’s priorities and concerns and exploring with them the options available, you can collaborate with GICs to provide effective care and a positive experience for your patient.

All GPs in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales may refer their patients directly to a GIC and do not need to refer them to a mental health service for assessment beforehand. GPs in England don’t need to seek prior approval from their Integrated Care Board (ICB).


15. You must provide a good standard of practice and care. If you assess, diagnose or treat patients, you must: 

-promptly provide or arrange suitable advice, investigations or treatment where necessary

-refer a patient to another practitioner when this serves the patient’s needs.

(Good medical practice, paragraph 15)


NHS Somerset Primary Care Healthcare Professionals can access the Trans health TeamNet page once logged in.

Trans healthcare – ethical topic – GMC (

Trans Health Transcript – GMC

Primary Care Responsibilities In Regard To Requests by Private On-Line Medical Service Providers to Prescribe Hormone Treatments for Transgender People

RC PSYCH Good practice guidelines for the assessment and treatment of adults with gender dysphoria

Primary Care Responsibilities in Prescribing and Monitoring Hormone Therapy for Transgender and Non-Binary Adults (updated)



Clinical Policy: Puberty suppressing hormones - Updated 21st March 2024

Prescribing of Gender Affirming Hormones (masculinising or feminising hormones) as part of the Children and Young People’s Gender Service

Puberty suppressing hormones (PSH) for children and young people who have gender incongruence / gender dysphoria

For more resources, please see the Equality and Diversity page.